Demystifying the logic and place of virtual front doors

3 minute read

Register now for a free HSD webinar looking at how the Healthdirect Virtual Front Door works, who uses it and why, and who isn’t using it that could.

Health Services Daily will conduct a free webinar on Tuesday 8 October at 7pm AEDT on the evolving network of Virtual Front Doors (VFD) in Australia, specifically looking at our largest national VFD service, Healthdirect, including use cases, where it is already being used effectively by provider networks and why and where it isn’t used yet but could be, into the future. 

You can register FREE for this webinar HERE. 

The webinar will preview a more in-depth series of discussions to be held during the upcoming Wild Health Connected Care Summit in Melbourne, at Collins Square on 22 October. You can buy tickets for and see the other topics being canvassed at that event HERE (note Health Service Daily subscribers qualify for a 20% discount on all ticket types). 

Webinar panelists include: 

  • Dr Loren Sher, Program Director, Victorian Virtual ED 
  • Dr Chris Moy, Former Vice-President, AMA 
  • Dr Anthony Brown, Executive Director, Health Consumers NSW 
  • Julie Sturgess, CEO, Country to Coast PHN Queensland, and  
  • Bettina McMahon, CEO, Healthdirect Australia 

Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs, publisher of Health Services Daily.  

Webinar: Demystifying the HIE

Not so much a single front door as a hallway

Where to with single digital front doors, HIEs, e-requesting and hospital virtual care

Will the real single digital front door please stand up

Topics to be covered will include: 

  • The current and evolving landscape of VFDs across the country 
  • Which VFDs actually synchronise and talk to each other, and some that don’t and why 
  • The Healthdirect VFD today and where it fits into the system 
  • The NSW, SA and VIC VFD project and what it might mean for providers and patients within the state and maybe even outside the state 
  • Where else is the Healthdirect VFD that you would have never suspected 
  • Federal and state policy thinking on VFDs and alignment of the various initiatives moving forward 
  • Benefits for consumers; no wrong door, taking the guess work out of navigating the system, what impacts we are already seeing. 

Who might find the webinar of interest? 

  • PHNs 
  • Hospital Network C suite and strategy advisors (LHDs, HHS, et al)  
  • Management of hospital ED departments 
  • Other key provider groups such as GPs, including corporates, and allied health providers 
  • Private health insurers and providers 
  • Consultants advising to VFD and interoperability projects 
  • State and federal government policy development groups 
  • Virtual care software vendors. 

Although the webinar is only one hour, if you are interested and have a specific question you would like asked about the VFDs to our panel you can submit a question by sending the question and context to  

We are allowing some time for a few externally raised questions we have not already contemplated. 

Register free for the webinar HERE. You do not need to be an HSD subscriber to register. 

The webinar will be recorded and posted on Health Services Daily for those who miss the event. 

Any further queries on either the webinar or the Wild Health Connected Care Summit on 22 October, which also will be looking at VFDs, can be directed to 

This webinar is being produced in partnership with Healthdirect.  

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