Hospital staff walk out over ‘morally bankrupt’ fees

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Staff are expected to pay $1300-$2600 a year, just to turn up for work.

Hospital workers at Sydney’s Concord Hospital will lose their free parking rights at the end of this month and, with a years-long waiting list for staff parking permits, now face huge annual fees.

Over 300 Concord staff – including psychologists, scientists, theatre technicians, kitchen staff, cleaners and security guards — walked out on strike today between 1pm and 2pm in protest at what Health Services Union officials called “outrageous and morally bankrupt” fees.

“At a time when cost of living pressures are hitting hard, charging staff $2600 to simply turn up at work is outrageous and morally bankrupt,” said HSU secretary Gerard Hayes.

“Concord Hospital staff, like health workers around the nation, worked tirelessly to keep the community safe during the covid pandemic. Plunging them into financial distress by slapping them with extortionate parking fees is no way to say thanks.

“Hospital executives need to take a hard look in the mirror, stop treating staff as cash cows and reconsider these excessive rates.” 

Concord Hospital staff parking has been free since the covid pandemic but from February workers with parking permits will be charged $27.20 per week. This will cost them about $1300 a year if they park five days a week, 48 weeks a year.

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Staff who do not have a parking permit because they are still on the waitlist to get one will be charged $11 a day, costing them about $2600 a year.

Before covid, parking was $12 a week for workers with permits, meaning fees are more than doubling from only a few years ago.

HSU members are calling on the hospital to maintain free parking for staff or, at the very least, not increase fees above the pre-covid rate.

Free parking is available to hospital staff in regional NSW, and since August 2023, free parking has been available for all hospital visitors outside metropolitan areas.

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