How a national HIE might help deliver connected care for Australia?

3 minute read

How would a national HIE work in Australia, who will likely specify, build and maintain it, and what are the likely timeframes around this ambitious project?

On Wednesday October 16 at 9:30am AEDT Health Services Daily will be putting on a free one hour webinar looking at the ambitious national health information exchange plan being developed by the Department of Health and Aged Care and the Australian Digital Health Agency.

The webinar will aim to introduce as many providers, vendors, consultants and integrators to the current thinking of government around the project and the likely key timings on how and when the project will start rolling out.

You can register for the Webinar HERE.

The webinar will preview a more in-depth series of discussions to be held during the upcoming Wild Health Connected Care Summit in Melbourne, at Collins Square on October 22. You can buy tickets for and see the other topics being canvassed at that event HERE (note Health Service Daily subscribers qualify for a 20% discount on all ticket types).

Panelists on our one hour webinar will include:

  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare Benefits and Digital Health, Australian Department of Health
  • Kate Ebrill, Interoperability Lead AEHRC, CSIRO
  • Paul Wilder, Executive Director, CommonWell Health Alliance (US)
  • Anja Nikolic, CEO, Australasian Institute of Digital Health
  • Andrew Aho, Regional Director of Data Platforms, InterSystems

Our moderator will be HSD publisher, Jeremy Knibbs.

The webinar will cover Australia’s interoperability landscape today as it pertains to the challenges of building out a national HIE – things like our federated funding model, our current hospital vs GPs and community capability, our current installed technology base and the role of the My Health Record.

The panel includes a key player in the HIE landscape from the US, Paul Wilder, Executive Director of a major HIE hub known as the CommonWell Health Alliancewill who will we ask to talk on the state of interoperability in the US and Canada and what Australia might take as learnings into its HIE initiative.

Who’s who in the rapidly evolving HIE zoo?

Where to with single digital front doors, HIEs, e-requesting and hospital virtual care

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The webinar will also outline the current ADHA vision for an Australian HIE, some early ideas for framework and try to provide some ideas on timing for potential vendors and providers who are planning for the future.

Although the webinar is only one hour, if you are interested and have a specific question you would like asked about the project you can submit a question by sending the question and context to We are allowing some time for a few externally raised questions we have not already contemplated.

Register free for the webinar HERE. You do not need to be an HSD subscriber to register.

The webinar will be recorded and posted on Health Services Daily for those who miss the event.

Any further queries on either the webinar of the Wild Health Connected Care Summit can be directed to

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