Queensland Strep A cases surge

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The number of the cases recorded this year is two times higher than the 2018-2022 average. 

A rise in Strep A cases has prompted a statewide heath alert for clinicians to be on the lookout for symptoms of iGAS disease and sepsis when evaluating patients.  

A communique issued by Queensland Health revealed 537 cases have been recorded in the state this year to date. This figure is two times higher than the five-year average (2018-2022) and 1.6 times higher than the number of cases recorded from January-November 2023.  

Clinicians were also reminded iGAS is a notifiable condition in Queensland. 

The Communicable Diseases Network Australia released national guidelines for the surveillance, laboratory testing, case management and contact management of iGAS disease on 1 November.  

Those at greatest risk of iGAS and the development of severe disease include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; adults aged over 75 years and children aged under five years; people who have chronic or immunocompromising medical conditions; and pregnant or birthing-neonate pairs.  

The infection can be prevented by early detection and treatment of infections such as impetigo/cellulitis and strep throat infections and staying up to date with vaccinations (in particular, pneumococcal, meningococcal, influenza and covid).  

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