Worst-kept secret confirmed as Shetty named acting CEO of eHealth NSW

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eHealth NSW does the obvious and names Professor Amith Shetty as its acting CEO as the recruiting process begins.

Associate Professor Amith Shetty has been named as acting CEO of eHealth NSW following the departure of long-time CEO Dr Zoran Bolevich.

The worst-kept secret in the NSW health sector came into the light late yesterday with an official confirmation from eHealth NSW on the day Dr Bolevich began his new role as CEO of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

“I am looking forward to working with a visionary and innovative organisation to drive digital transformation and improve the lives of people in NSW,” Professor Shetty said.

Professor Shetty previously worked for eHealth NSW as a clinical advisor to help guide system design. He has held several senior clinical leadership roles in emergency departments, health services and most recently was the clinical director in the system sustainability and performance division of NSW Health.

He is adjunct associate professor in biomedical informatics and digital health at University of Sydney, adjunct fellow at the Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research at Macquarie University, and honorary research fellow at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research.

Professor Shetty is an emergency physician by training and has spearheaded innovations in digital health including the Pathology IoT device integration and cloud analytics project, real-time risk-trigger monitoring in hospitals, and virtual home care models. His doctorate in sepsis screening also resulted in the development of an ED screening algorithm that’s being tested and implemented in NSW hospitals including the eHealth Sepsis AI screening tool in western Sydney.

Zoran Bolevich to depart eHealth NSW for national role

New CTO for eHealth NSW

A spokesperson for eHealth NSW said the recruiting process for a new permanent CEO may take “some time” given the seniority of the role.

There have been rumblings about the timing of Dr Bolevich’s departure given the agency is about to roll out a billion-dollar electronic medical record system.

The single digital patient record solution provided by Epic is rumoured to be causing internal chaos as eHealth NSW prepares to replace existing systems in 228 public hospitals, 600+ community health centres, 60 pathology laboratories and 150+ pathology collection centres.

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